Special Session: Artificial Intelligence for Security of IoT-Enabled Critical Infrastructures
Digitalization of Critical Infrastructures (CIs), promises transformational opportunities. However, integration of the Internet technologies also present an array of complex challenges to IoT-enabled CIs whose operational control systems were not previously designed with security in mind. In addition to failure in the physical layer, CIs are also sensitive to cyber-attacks on their communication layer. Examples of CIs include smart grid, autonomous transportation systems, medical monitoring, process control systems, robotics systems, and automatic pilot avionics. There are many discussions on the role of security-aware design and analysis in the development of modern CIs such as the smart grid using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Recent research and developments toward intelligent monitoring systems for CIs verify that AI is poised to revolutionize the way we monitor, control, manage, and respond to emergency conditions in CIs. AI is a popular ledger technology that has the potential to be leveraged in different aspects of cybersecurity, cyber threat hunting, and cyber threat intelligence. This Special Session seeks novel submissions presenting practical and theoretical solutions for securing CIs using AI-based tools, techniques, and procedures. The goal is to provide a sampling of recent advances and ideas on the progress of research and the practical usage of AI technologies in addressing the security of the CIs.
Submissions may represent any applications pertaining to the CIs including Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, SCADA Systems, Smart-Grid Systems, Transportation Systems, and Medical Devices. Suggested topics for the workshop include, not exhaustively, empirical and theoretical studies of the following:
Applications of intelligent data analytics in the security of CIs
Applications of Blockchain and smart contracts in securing CIs
Application of AI in vulnerability and risk analysis for CIs
Cybersecurity and threat intelligence in CIs
AI-based security tools, techniques, and procedures for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Intelligent anomaly detection in CIs
Access Control and Key Management for CIs
Human interaction with security and privacy issues of CIs
Intelligent control strategies to improve CIs performance
Design, optimization and data-driven modeling of CIs
Novel sensor placement methodologies for CIs
Cyber threat hunting in CIs
Theory of AI in cybersecurity
Anomaly detection in CIs
Privacy in CIs with AI systems in place
Adversarial attacks on AI deployed commonly for CIs
Important Dates:
Submission of papers: April 30 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2020
Camera-ready papers: July 30, 2020
The papers will be required to meet the same standards as the main conference papers and will be published in the conference proceedings. All papers need to be submitted electronically in PDF format by email to:
Hadis Karimipour, University of Guelph, Canada (hkarimi@uoguelph.ca)
Pirathayini Srikantha, York University, Canada (psrikan@yorku.ca)